This category includes the family as a whole, specifically any group of two
or more people whom share the same living space, and that usually, are
connected through a marriage bond or being part of the wider family –
Family, parents and minors

Caregiver – Help and support to parents and relatives
Within the territory there are established groups and people, who voluntarily help people with daily tasks and take care of those who are no longer self-sufficient due to elderly age, disabilities or patologies.

Domiciliary support services
If and where necessary, it is possible to receive medical care, rehabilitation and educational support, directly provided at the residence of whom cannot access outpatient services or other centers.

Guardianship service for minors
Interventions are offered to protect minors, whom are under measures taken from judicial authority, guaranteeing social, psychological and educational support.

Income support measures
In the presence of particular conditions, it is possible to request financial support available as a contribution to provide financial support for medical expenses, rehabilitation and general necessity.

Information and advice
Within the territory there are established agencies, and competent people specifically in charge of providing information, direction, assistance and support on specific subject matters.

Residential support services
Activities of educational and behavioral nature are offered to minors whom are in particular critical conditions of frailty or confusion, that are bound to temporary residence.

Services for infancy and youth
Educational services are provided for the support and development of all young people between 3 and 18 years of age. These services are specifically dedicated to the period between nursery to adulthood.

Services for infants
Support services are offered to families in specialized centers for education, custody and the weaning of newborns and children up to the age of three years old.

Services in semi-residential facilities for supporting independence
Day care is generally offered, not permanent residence, which has the scope to preserve autonomy, avoiding or delaying hospitalization in residential facilities.

Social and health care services
Medical interventions, such as nursing, rehabilitation and medical support, are provided in specific locations throughout the territory.